Tampa Bay Masterminds, Inc is a 501(c)(3) Entrepreneur Support Organization in Tampa Bay, Florida.

May 16th – The Entrepreneur Journey & Secrets To Pitching At SXSW

Masterminds Tampa

Conferences are a great opportunity to promote your business, connect with like minded people, and share your message with a large audience. 

Many famous artists, business, and entrepreneurs attribute their early success a major conference. For example, Tim Ferris, Amy Winehouse, Twitter, and Foursquare are famous individuals and businesses that got their start at the South by Southwest conference (SXSW)—a massive annual tech, film, and music conference in Austin, TX. 

It can seem intimidating to speak at one of these conferences, but it is easier than you may think. 

In this month’s Mastermind event Robert Solano and Jonathan Truong share their experience and tips for how members can get on the schedule atSXSW. 

Speaker Lineup

Robert Solano is the Director of Businesss Development and Marketing at Solano Law Firm. In March 2019 he organized a SXSW panel on “Defending the Nation: Immigrants in the Military.” He will share his experience on how he got his panel accepted by the SXSW committee and how he has continued to use the SXSW experience for marketing and networking!

Jonathan Truong is the founder of Verapy, a virtual reality physical therapy startup. He will share his journey in how he got his opportunity to pitch his business from the SXSW startup stage, how he started Verapy and what he’s learned in the process!

Last, but not least we have Bobby Quinn, a Geospatial Intelligence Analyst who started Raven Spatial – a crowdsourced drone and smartphone imagery platform. After working at the largest commercial satellite imagery company, Bobby noticed the limitations in the industry and realized there was an opportunity by going with crowdsources drone imagery instead.

Bobby will be sharing his journey going from flying UAV’s in the US Navy Special Surveillance Program in Afghanistan, to becoming a private sector employee and transitioning to full-time entrepreneur at Raven Spatial!