
Spotlight Interview Questions

Sample questions you may be asked during the interview:

  1. Can you tell us a little about your background and how you got into entrepreneurship?
  2. Can you describe your company and its mission?
  3. What unique problem does your company solve, and how does it stand out in the marketplace?
  4. What have been some of the biggest challenges you've faced as a founder, and how have you overcome them?
  5. How does your company give back to the Tampa Bay community?
  6. Can you share any exciting developments or plans for the future of your company?
  7. How do you see the Tampa Bay area's business climate evolving in the coming years, and how does your company plan to stay ahead of the curve?
  8. Can you share some advice for aspiring entrepreneurs in the Tampa Bay area?
  9. Do you have any current funding round ongoing or any recent major funding round you closed?
  10. How do you intend to scale your company in the coming months/years?